With Credit Tight, More Small Businesses Turn to Online Lenders

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ASHEVILLE, NC (July 21, 2015) - Jason Curtis just got tired of being told no.

Over three years, the Hendersonville man estimates he went to six banks and a handful of credit unions. He hoped for approval for a $25,000 loan — money he needed to buy inventory like bedding and mattresses to grow his furniture business.

Curtis can't remember how many times he sat across from a banker and shared his story, his credit history and his business plan.

But he can't forget all the times he was told no.

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Small Business Loans: Three Tips to Bouncing Back From Rejection

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NEW YORK, NY (March 31, 2015) - Many very successful business owners have experienced a small business loan application rejection. In fact, some statistics suggest that less than 50 percent of business owners are able to get approved for a small business loan. How well you’re able to bounce back from rejection today will greatly impact whether or not you’ll be successful tomorrow.

Here are three suggestions that will help you regroup, reapply, and reap the rewards of a successful loan application.

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Alternative Lenders Peddle Pricey Commercial Loans

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With Credit for Businesses Tight, Nonbank Lenders Offer Financing at a Price.

PHILADELPHIA, PA (January 7, 2014) - When Khien Nguyen needed $180,000 to open his 13th nail salon near Philadelphia in November, he didn't go to a bank. Mr. Nguyen's credit score had dropped during the recession, so he figured a bank would put him through weeks of aggravation, then reject him.

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