
Washington State Small Businesses Connect to Go Green

Green Business Advocate Stephanie Gowing

SEATTLE, WA (October 15, 2018) - Green Business Advocate Stephanie Gowing created an ecosystem map of Seattle displaying all green energy businesses in the region and how they connect to each other, to encourage further entrepreneurship and collaboration in the clean energy sector.

Read more here.

Stanford University Tops List of Most Venture Capital-Backed Startups

Startup funding

STANFORD, CA (September 27, 2018) - Stanford University topped the list of universities with the most venture capital-backed startups in 2018, according to a new report by PitchBook. The University of California - Berkeley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University followed in this category.

Stanford’s 1.178 entrepreneurs raised $28.8 billion in funding over the last ten years.

Read the article here.